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Minimal Learning Energy Game

 Minimal Learning Energy Game Russian Our minimal learning energy games (” memory games “) are used in sets of 3 rounds in succession. The three rounds of memory games with (almost) identical words work, as our experience at LE-Network has shown. These form an effective and playful learning process where you learn with minimal effort from your energy because the game activates what you actually already unknowingly know.

How does the Minimal Learning Energy Game work?

The 1st set of 20 memory cards consists of an image of a word, the word in Cyrillic and the same word in Dutch. The 2nd set of memory cards then consists of the image of the word and the word in Cyrillic. In the last, the 3rd set, the 20 cards only contain the word in Cyrillic. The sets are played sequentially.

At the moment there are 7 x 3 sets available with each set its own unique – identical – Russian words to learn. The 1st set includes the “very easy” words and the 7th set the more difficult words.

Because of these 7 x 3 different sets, larger groups can also actively participate. For example 7 subgroups of 3 or 4 children. These then move to the next 3-sets after they have completed one 3-set. This means that around 21 sets of memory games are used by a group of around 25 children.

Sometimes innovation is so obvious.

 Minimal Learning Energy Game Russian However, Oksana Michajlovna Grynazhuk determined that the minimal learning energy games for secondary education were” a bit too childish “, this came to the fore during the preparation of the series of lessons for plus pupils from secondary education. Now we have come up with a new game for the slightly older children. Namely the “word searchers”.

Oksana came up with the idea of ​​using a “misprint” of the existing memory games where the cards were accidentally printed with only the photos. This time in combination with the variant on which only the words in Cyrillic are written. In this new game the aim is for the students to find the Cyrillic words at the right picture.

Just a bit harder than the memory games. Because the students actually have to read what is written on the cards, before they can match the Cyrillic word with the right picture.

We also test the knowledge of Russian written words with the help of Kahoots.
We will soon be applying this new version of playfully learning Russian script to the Russian curriculum for plus classes in secondary education (VO).

This post is also available in: Nederlands

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