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Entrepreneurship game market end products



Learning by doing!

The game

The entrepreneurship LEARN Game is a game simulation to simulate entrepreneurship and negotiation.

Each participant has his own company with starting capital in LEGO material and cash.

These games are available in both analog and digital variant.

The roles

In the games, the participants are divided into 3 roles.
  • The traders
  • The producers
  • The suppliers

The Goal

Every participant must become and remain a successful and profitable company to win the game.Who has turned the most revenue and has the most money at the end deserves a reward.
Entrepreneurship game in action

The Entrepreneurship LEARN Games


The entrepreneurship LEARN Games come in different variants, each with its own learning material.

The games can therefore be used as individual role-play simulations, but also, for example, at the end of an educational program. Educational programs are tailor-made, for example as a lesson series of 1 lesson during six months.

The duration of a game simulation is approximately 1.5 hours.

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The entrepreneurship game (digital)


The digital version of the entrepreneurship game uses modern technology such as smartphones and online behavioral style scans to measure the information flows.

The entrepreneurship game (basic)


You start with the basic version with odds and possibilities and the gun factor. But of course also with the basic elements such as risk assessment and dealing with the competition.

The Entrepreneurship Game (Silver)


In the silver version, in addition to the basic elements, the administrative processes are added. And you will learn how to deal with lending and VAT issues.

The Entrepreneurship Game (Gold)


In the Gold version you will learn in addition to the basic elements and the added silver elements how this functions on an international market with the associated currencies.

Labor market game with social VAT


The labor market game is an extension of Entrepreneurship Gold, which now also includes a labor market. The game simulation realizes the demand for labor resulting from the growth of the additional added value. The Prohef system increases the demand for labour, especially when the soft skills are activated.

More LEARN Games


Also check out the other LEARN Games variants


In addition to the Entrepreneurship game, there is also the logistics game.

This is a version of the LEARN Games in which logistics processes and operational management are taught.

More information about the logistics games can be found on the website of LEARN Games Logistics.


In addition to the Entrepreneurship – and the logistics game, there is also a language variant.

This is a version of the LEARN Games in which you learn the basic words of one or even more foreign languages.

More information about the language games can be found on the website of the Language LEARN Games.


In addition to the analog LEARN Games, there is now also the digital version of the game simulation.

This is a version of the LEARN Games in which you can use smartphones to learn different skills.

More information about the digital games can be found on the website of the digital LEARN Games

Entrepreneurship game market end products

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The LE-Network Company

LEARN Games have been developed with great passion by LE-Network. A company that is unique due to its many variants of partnerships. This is how we work together to improve learning processes.More information about employees and the company itself can be found on the company website:

The Edupreneurial method

The games are developed with the Edupreneurial method.Behind the edupreneurial method is a complete science. This was developed by Henk Roelofs. Henk has written a large number of publications that further explain the methodology.You can find these publications and the accompanying LE Book on the scientific website:

The behavioral style scans

With the behavioral style scans you gain insight into your personal behavior or the behavior of a team. For example, there are individual scans and team scans.

The scans can also be used to measure the change in behavior by the LEARN games.

An overview of the available scans can be found on the behavioral style scans website:



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